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Save figure in Matlab without borders

43 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Davide le 19 Nov 2015
I am experiencing several troubles in exporting figures in matlab. Typically I save figures in eps format and then I try to convert them in pdf using eps2pdf. The results is a figure with a huge white border around. How can I remove it and get a proper figure? I tried with
with commands:
Without any success. Unfortunately if I try
system('pdfcrop .... ')
does not work in mac, it returns the error
>> system('pdfcrop')
/bin/bash: pdfcrop: command not found
Nevertheless pdfcrop is installed because if I launch it from the terminal it works fine and the removes the borders correctly.

Réponse acceptée

James Tursa
James Tursa le 19 Nov 2015
You might take a look at this FEX submission by Yair Altman:
  1 commentaire
Davide le 20 Nov 2015
Thanks, the output now is much better. Using
export_fig([name_fig,'.pdf'], '-pdf','-transparent');
I get a very nice figure.

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Plus de réponses (1)

thomas weldon
thomas weldon le 21 Juin 2018
Try this: fig=gcf;ax=fig.CurrentAxes;fig.Color='w';fig.OuterPosition=fig.InnerPosition;


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