How to index cell Matrix with a logical matrix?
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Diego Makasevicius Barbosa
le 26 Nov 2015
Commenté : Florian B
le 24 Fév 2022
Hello all, I tried to index a cell matrix with logical matrix, but it does not return me the correct output.
I want to:
Index: A ={'a','b','c','d'; 'a','b','c','d'; 'a','b','c','d'}
Matrix: B =[1,0,1,0; 0,1,1,0; 0,0,1,1]
Output: C =['a','','c',''; '','b','c',''; '','','c','d'];
I tried 'C=A(logical(B));' but without success.
Could someone help me, please?
Thank you!
2 commentaires
le 26 Nov 2015
Please note that
A =['a','b','c','d'; 'a','b','c','d'; 'a','b','c','d']
is not a cell array. It is a plain matrix of character and is the same as:
A = ['abcd';'abcd';'abcd'];
A cell array is:
A = {'a','b','c','d'; 'a','b','c','d'; 'a','b','c','d'}
Note the use of curly brackets. The distinction is important for your desired output since
C =['a','','c',''; '','b','c',''; '','','c','d'];
is the same as
C = ['ac'; 'bc'; 'cd'];
Réponse acceptée
le 26 Nov 2015
Assuming you indeed have a cell array (unlike your example):
A = {'a','b','c','d'; 'a','b','c','d'; 'a','b','c','d'}
B = logical([1,0,1,0; 0,1,1,0; 0,0,1,1]);
%option 1: create an empty cell array and use logical indexing to copy A
C = cell(size(A));
C(B) = A(B)
%option 2: copy A, and use logical indexing to replace unwanted elements
D = A;
D(~B) = {''}
Note that for all intent and purposes '' and [] are the same, even if matlab does not display them the same
isequal(C, D) %returns true
5 commentaires
Ahmad Suliman
le 30 Juil 2017
Guillaume, when I do: D(~B) = {''}, the MATLAB throws an error "Function 'subsindex' is not defined for values of class 'cell'." Could it be due to version? maybe 2016 does not support this way of indexing? Thanks,
Florian B
le 24 Fév 2022
@Thorsten: Using option 2 does indeed give you an array with "empty" values (actually ' '). You can however just assign [ ] directly, which MATLAB interprets as deletion command.
%option 2: copy A, and use logical indexing to replace unwanted elements
D = A;
D(~B) = []; % this will delete all arguments where B(i) ~= true. -> before: {''}
This question - solving the problem for a 2D-cell array - may also help. A full alternative to the snippet above would be:
% copy A, and use logical indexing to replace unwanted {elements} with {''}
D = A;
D(~B) = {''};
% Identify empty cells
idx = cellfun(@isempty, D);
% Delete rows with empty cell
D(~any(idx)) = [];
Voir également
En savoir plus sur Matrix Indexing dans Help Center et File Exchange
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