Effacer les filtres
Effacer les filtres

what is wrong with my code?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
yanjie qi
yanjie qi le 28 Fév 2016
function [lxw,XO,wl]= HSIFileOpen(lxwfilepath,HSIfilepath)
fp1 = fopen(lxwfilepath,'r');
fp2 = fopen(HSIfilepath,'r');
bands = lxw(1);%波段数
datatype = lxw(2);%字节数
samples = lxw(3);%列数
lines = lxw(4);%行数
columns = samples*lines;%像元个数
switch lxw(5)%数据格式
case 0
interleave = 'bsq';
case 1
interleave = 'bil';
case 2
interleave = 'bip';
case 3
interleave = 'mat';
switch datatype
case 1
precision = 'uint8';
case 2
precision = 'uint16';
case 4
precision = 'float32';
if interleave == 'bsq'
XO = fread(fp2,[columns,bands],precision);
XO = XO';
elseif interleave == 'bil'
tmp = fread(fp2,[samples,bands*lines],precision);
XO = zeros(bands,columns);
for i=1:bands
for j=1:lines
XO(i,((j-1)*samples+1):j*samples) = tmp(:,(j-1)*bands+i);
elseif interleave == 'bip'
XO = fread(fp2,[bands,columns],precision);
elseif interleave == 'mat'
XO = fread(fp2,[bands,columns],precision);
b = lxw(6);%该参数判断有没有波长数据
if b==1
token = strtok(HSIfilepath,'.');
wavelengthpath = strcat(token,'.wl');
fp3 = fopen(wavelengthpath,'r');
wl = 0;
[EDITED, Jan, copied from tags:]
but the error is
input argument "lxwfilepath" is undefined.
error in ==> hsifileopen at 6 fp1 = fopen(lxwfilepath">
  1 commentaire
Jan le 28 Fév 2016
Please post the complete error message in your question, not a partial copy in the tags. Thanks.

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Réponse acceptée

Jan le 28 Fév 2016
Modifié(e) : Jan le 28 Fév 2016
Guessing that the line 6 is this:
fp1 = fopen(lxwfilepath,'r');
I assume, that you call your function without defining input arguments. It has to be called like this:
[lxw, XO, wl] = HSIFileOpen(lxwfilepath, HSIfilepath)
Note: This will work in your case, because interleave has 3 characters in all cases:
if interleave == 'bsq'
But prefer strcmp for the comparison of strings:
if strcmp(interleave, 'bsq')
  3 commentaires
Jan le 28 Fév 2016
Sorry? What does "This?" mean?
yanjie qi
yanjie qi le 1 Mar 2016
This, I mean the following code. Should I change this code? There is something wrong with it. I change it as you suggest

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Plus de réponses (3)

yanjie qi
yanjie qi le 28 Fév 2016
Modifié(e) : Walter Roberson le 1 Mar 2016
I run the M file,and the answer is this:
>> [lxw,XO,wl]= HSIFileOpen('F:\多光谱材料\pca\2.hdr','F:\多光谱材料\pca\2.raw')
??? Error using ==> fread
Invalid precision.
Error in ==> HSIFileOpen at 10
  3 commentaires
yanjie qi
yanjie qi le 1 Mar 2016
Modifié(e) : Walter Roberson le 1 Mar 2016
I wrote as you suggest, however here is another problem,
??? Undefined function or variable "interleave".
Error in ==> HSIFileOpen at 35
if strfind(interleave, 'bsq')
Is there anything wrong with strfind? or I will try strcmp? but it still hsa error:
[lxw,XO,wl]= HSIFileOpen('F:\多光谱材料\pca\2.hdr','F:\多光谱材料\pca\2.raw')
??? Undefined function or variable "interleave".
Error in ==> HSIFileOpen at 35
if strcmp(interleave, 'bsq')
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 1 Mar 2016
That code does not protect against the possibility of unexpected content in the data file. That code only defines the variable named interleave if a particular location in the file contains 0, 1, 2, or 3. At the very least the code should have an "otherwise" on the switch statement that generates an error saying that the file is not in the expected format.

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 1 Mar 2016
You should be considering using http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/29344-read-medical-data-3d from the File Exchange, as it reads .raw files with .hdr . It is tested code.
  2 commentaires
yanjie qi
yanjie qi le 1 Mar 2016
thank you. sir, I will try.
yanjie qi
yanjie qi le 1 Mar 2016
??? Error using ==> analyze75info>parseInputs at 457 F:\多光谱材料\pca\2.hdr is not a valid Analyze 7.5 format file.
It looks like something wrong with my .hdr file?

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Mehdi Mosafer
Mehdi Mosafer le 1 Jan 2018
I think this issue is because of using non-ASCII alphabets for naming a folder in which the data file is located.
  1 commentaire
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 1 Jan 2018
No, the user did not pass the file name in to the function.

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