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Indexing a cell array according to another cell array

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
alicia che
alicia che le 24 Mar 2016
So I have two cell arrays, each represent onset and offset times of events, so they have the same size and they correspond to each other, for example:
A = {[2,3,4],[3,6],[5,7,9,10]};
B = {[2.5,4.2,4.7],[3.2,7.4],[6.2,7.6,9.4,11.3]}
I now was able to delete certain entries in A according to a different indexing vector c,let's say new A is (anything equals to 3 or between 7 to 9 is deleted):
A = {[2,4],[6],[5,10]}
How do I delete the corresponding entries in B? I want to achieve:
B = {[2.5,4.7],[7.4],[6.2,11.3]}
In other words delete the second, first, and second and third entires in the three cells in B. I tried to do it after entries were deleted from A, but the sizes and entries no longer match. It seems I have to somehow index A and B at the beginning before I mess with A, but I am not sure how to do this...

Réponse acceptée

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov le 5 Avr 2016
Modifié(e) : Andrei Bobrov le 5 Avr 2016
n = repelem(1:numel(A),cellfun(@numel,A));
B1 = [B{:}];
A1 = [A{:}];
t = A1 ~= 3 & (A1 < 7 | A1 > 9);
out = accumarray(n(t)',B1(t),[],@(x){x});
n = repelem(1:numel(A),cellfun(@numel,A))';
C = [n(:),[A{:}]',[B{:}]'];
C = C(C(:,2) ~= 3 & (C(:,2) < 7 | C(:,2) > 9),:);
[ii,jj] = ndgrid(C(:,1),1:2);
out = accumarray([ii(:),jj(:)],reshape(C(:,2:3),[],1),[],@(x){x});

Plus de réponses (1)

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek le 24 Mar 2016
A = {[2,3,4],[3,6],[5,7,9,10]};
B = {[2.5,4.2,4.7],[3.2,7.4],[6.2,7.6,9.4,11.3]}
idx=cellfun(@(x) x~=3 & ~(x<=9 & x>=7),A,'un',0)
C1=cellfun(@(x,y) x(y),A,idx,'un',0)
C2=cellfun(@(x,y) x(y),B,idx,'un',0)
  10 commentaires
alicia che
alicia che le 5 Avr 2016
I was using
A1=cellfun(@(x) x(~ismember(x,find(C))),A,'uni',false)
but it returns the final result I want but not index like your code did, so I can't apply it to B,and not sure how to fix it.
Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek le 5 Avr 2016
To make your question clear, post an example and explain clearly what you want, and post the expected result

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