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Passing data from External function to main GUIDE function

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
James Ang
James Ang le 25 Mar 2016
Commenté : James Ang le 21 Avr 2016
I've a function in GUIDE that goes:
% --- Executes on button press in plot2_push.
function plot2_push_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to plot2_push (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
handles.time_sec2 = 1:size(handles.selected_file_table(:,'t'));
for i = 1:handles.count2;
plot(handles.axes2, handles.time_sec2, table2array(handles.selected_file_table(:,handles.selected_varlist2.String(i))),'LineWidth',2);
axes(handles.axes2); hold on
handles.axes2.XMinorGrid = 'on';
handles.axes2.YMinorGrid = 'on';
hold off
set(handles.axes2,'Color',[0.87058824300766 0.921568632125854 0.980392158031464],...
'XColor',[0 0 0],'YColor',[0 0 0],'ZColor',[0 0 0]);
guidata(hObject, handles);
In the last line, I'm calling an external function to plot cursors (by Jiro) that goes like this:
function vertical_cursors1
set(gcf, ...
'WindowButtonDownFcn', @clickFcn, ...
'WindowButtonUpFcn', @unclickFcn);
% Set up cursor text
allLines = findobj(gcf, 'type', 'line');
hText = nan(1, length(allLines));
for id = 1:length(allLines)
hText(id) = text(NaN, NaN, '', ...
'Parent', get(allLines(id), 'Parent'), ...
'BackgroundColor', 'yellow', ...
'Color', get(allLines(id), 'Color'));
% Set up cursor lines
allAxes = findobj(gcf, 'Type', 'axes');
hCur = nan(1, length(allAxes));
for id = 1:length(allAxes)
hCur(id) = line([NaN NaN], ylim(allAxes(id)), ... %%hCur are cursor lines
'Color', 'black', 'Parent', allAxes(id));
function clickFcn(varargin)
% Initiate cursor if clicked anywhere but the figure
if strcmpi(get(gco, 'type'), 'figure')
set(hCur, 'XData', [NaN NaN]); % <-- EDIT
set(hText, 'Position', [NaN NaN]); % <-- EDIT
set(gcf, 'WindowButtonMotionFcn', @dragFcn)
[b, curtime1] = dragFcn();
disp(b); disp(curtime1);
function [yall,xtime] = dragFcn(varargin)
% Get mouse location
pt = get(gca, 'CurrentPoint');
% Update cursor line position
xtime = pt(1);
set(hCur, 'XData', [pt(1), pt(1)]);
% Update cursor text
yall = zeros(1,length(allLines));
for idx = 1:length(allLines) % allLines refering to each line
xdata = get(allLines(idx), 'XData'); % the x points for line #idx
ydata = get(allLines(idx), 'YData'); % the y points for line #idx
if pt(1) >= xdata(1) && pt(1) <= xdata(end)
y = interp1(xdata, ydata, pt(1));
% disp(y)
set(hText(idx), 'Position', [pt(1), y], ...
'String', sprintf('(%0.2f, %0.2f)', pt(1), y));
yall(:,idx) = y;
set(hText(idx), 'Position', [NaN NaN]);
function unclickFcn(varargin)
set(gcf, 'WindowButtonMotionFcn', '');
I've tried to pass data of 'yall' to the main GUI function but to no avail. Can someone help me?
  2 commentaires
Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes le 11 Avr 2016
James - how do you expect to use the yall data? Will you be collecting it an array? At which point will you then use this data? You can try saving it to the handles structure which would be accessible by the other callbacks. Please provide more context.
James Ang
James Ang le 21 Avr 2016
Hi Geoff, sorry for the late reply.. (thought MW will send me an email if there're replies).
Anyways, I plan to display the 'yall' values on a table.
It's working now though, this is what I did (though I don't fully understand how data is passed between functions. I'll ask in another thread)
function dragFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% Get mouse location
handles.pt = get(gca, 'CurrentPoint');
handles.pt(:,1) = round(handles.pt(:,1));
% Update cursor line position - moving line across x position
set(handles.hCur, 'XData', [handles.pt(1), handles.pt(1)]);
% Update cursor text
for idx = 1:length(handles.allLines)
xdata = get(handles.allLines(idx), 'XData');
ydata = get(handles.allLines(idx), 'YData');
if handles.pt(1) >= xdata(1) && handles.pt(1) <= xdata(end)
y = interp1(xdata, ydata, handles.pt(1));
set(handles.hText(idx), 'Position', [handles.pt(1), y], ...
'String', sprintf('(%0.0f, %0.2f)', handles.pt(1), y));
handles.yall(idx,:) = y;
set(handles.hText(idx), 'Position', [NaN NaN]);
handles.diff_table.Data(:, handles.cursornumber) = handles.yall;
if handles.cursornumber >= 2
handles.diff_table.Data(:,3) = handles.diff_table.Data(:,2) - handles.diff_table.Data(:,1);
guidata(hObject, handles);

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