HDL coder stand alone programming with verilog code file

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Mohammed Shameem Hussain
Mohammed Shameem Hussain le 9 Avr 2016
Commenté : Tim McBrayer le 20 Avr 2016
My objective is to use hdl coder for standalone fpga programming (rapid prototyping with matlab). But I have some code in Verilog and some in matlab Simulink. Please suggest how can I combine both and do direct flashing from matlab (standalone)

Réponses (1)

Tim McBrayer
Tim McBrayer le 11 Avr 2016
Investigate the use of the Black Box implementation for a Simulink subsystem. This capability is specifically designed to allow importing external, non-generated HDL code into a design with code generated by HDL Coder.
  2 commentaires
Mohammed Shameem Hussain
Mohammed Shameem Hussain le 11 Avr 2016
but my external coe is already in vhdl/Verilog. I want to make use of MATLAB dsp and combine my already code to make a standalone from MATLAB.
Tim McBrayer
Tim McBrayer le 20 Avr 2016
Yes, this is exactly what the BlackBox implementation is designed to do. You can model your existing code in Simulink if you wish, so that your Simulink simulation is valid. Or, you can just use a completely empty subsystem to bolt your existing code into place. I think that with HDL Verifier you can use your existing code in a Simulink simulation via cosimulation with ModelSim or Incisive. BlackBox is the default (and only) HDL implementation for the cosim blocks.

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