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How to make for loop to count items in excel sheet?!

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Mariam Sheha
Mariam Sheha le 25 Mai 2016
Commenté : Mariam Sheha le 28 Mai 2016
Hello every body;
i am having data listed in excel sheet contains 980 row and 30 column
Each row consists of zeroes and ones, I want to make a for loop to consider all ones adjacent to each row and name it by the number of each column. so finally i will have only one column that contains the different items correspond to 1 i.e --> Row1: [4,12,13,15,16,18,19,20,22,24,27]
can anyone help me to do such operation please??! Thanks A lot
  2 commentaires
Mariam Sheha
Mariam Sheha le 25 Mai 2016
Hello could anyone answer this one please ?!
dpb le 26 Mai 2016
Not until we can understand what it is you're asking for, no...
Give a small sample, 2 or 3 rows with a half-dozen columns should be more than enough to illustrate. Paste the data and the desired results as code and how you get the latter from the former.

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Réponse acceptée

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 26 Mai 2016
num = xlsread('Data1.xlsx');
result = arrayfun(@(ROW) find(num(ROW,:)), (1:size(num,1)).', 'Uniform', 0);
  1 commentaire
Mariam Sheha
Mariam Sheha le 28 Mai 2016
It is awesome , Really i am very very thankful for your help...

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