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Simbiology Desktop Activate Reaction Using Event

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Hirsh Agarwal
Hirsh Agarwal le 17 Juin 2016
Commenté : Hirsh Agarwal le 18 Juin 2016
I am trying to use an event function in simbiology desktop to activate a reaction that exists in the same component. Is this possible and if so, what is the syntax?

Réponse acceptée

Arthur Goldsipe
Arthur Goldsipe le 17 Juin 2016
Events cannot directly change the Active property. However, you can accomplish the same simulation result by creating an event that changes the value of a parameter. For example, you could set a rate constant to 0 using an event as a way to disable a reaction.
Does that make sense?
  3 commentaires
Arthur Goldsipe
Arthur Goldsipe le 18 Juin 2016
Ah, 2 important details. First, you need to make sure the reaction is scoped to the model. In the desktop, you can right-click to get the option to change the scope. Second, you'll need to uncheck the Constant option. Then, you can change the value using an event.
Hirsh Agarwal
Hirsh Agarwal le 18 Juin 2016
Perfect, thank you so much. I simply could not figure out how to access the variable. Changing the scope was the key.
Thanks again!
-- Hirsh

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Stalin Samuel
Stalin Samuel le 17 Juin 2016
Refer here for related discussions that may help you


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