How to perform an infinite loop in matlab so that it is always running a sequence?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Mario Martos
Mario Martos le 6 Juil 2016
I would like to know how could perform an infinite loop using for or while ( true) for a sequence me is always running in the program because they do not know what the best form or as could implement , for that I'm always checking a thing I need .
Thank you very much.

Réponses (1)

Swarooph le 6 Juil 2016
Example from the documentation here .
Sum a sequence of random numbers in an infinite loop until a condition is met. In this example, that condition is, until the next random number is greater than an upper limit. Then, exit the loop using a break statement:
limit = 0.8;
s = 0;
while 1
tmp = rand;
if tmp > limit
s = s + tmp;


En savoir plus sur Loops and Conditional Statements dans Help Center et File Exchange

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