With imaqtool i cannot find my camera

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
William le 1 Sep 2016
Commenté : Madhura Suresh le 15 Nov 2016
How to establish a connection with the camera when connected with video grabber. Used camera: Allied Vision Prosilica GT6600, used video grabber: Silicon Software microEnable IV AQ4-GE. With the silicon software my camera (connected with the video grabber) works, with the camera connected to the Ethernet port on the motherboard I can find my camera with imaqtool. Thank you

Réponses (1)

Madhura Suresh
Madhura Suresh le 19 Sep 2016
Hi William,
Do you have the GigE vision support package installed?
  7 commentaires
William le 8 Nov 2016
Hi madam, sir Is there still something else I can do? William
Madhura Suresh
Madhura Suresh le 15 Nov 2016
Can you navigate to a directory that has write permissions and then run imaqsupport? The function was not able to create a file in the directory that you were in.

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