Delete line of file based on number in first column
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Henrik Larsen
le 5 Sep 2016
Commenté : arvind ramasamy
le 11 Juil 2018
I'm trying to delete lines in a file based on a number in the first "column" of the file. The file(s) looks something like:
8 Job Operator Date Time Instrument
8 15899-2016 THP/KVE 16-08-11 08:13:09 1626136
8 PT Code y X Z
6 CKOTE1 250 137827.548 98704.895 32.880
6 CKOTE2 250 137828.245 98707.396 32.880
6 CKOTE3 250 137830.581 98711.226 32.880
8 CKOTE4 250 137833.055 98713.677 32.879
So my questions is how i tell matlab to skip lines containing the char "8" in the first column, so I get the remaining data:
6 CKOTE1 250 137827.548 98704.895 32.880
6 CKOTE2 250 137828.245 98707.396 32.880
6 CKOTE3 250 137830.581 98711.226 32.880
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Réponse acceptée
Azzi Abdelmalek
le 5 Sep 2016
while ischar(l1)
if l2(1)~='8'
2 commentaires
arvind ramasamy
le 11 Juil 2018
I make a serial communication with an arduino and get the data of accelerometer mag and gyro values my data comes in as a string. 's' is the object i created for serial communication
data =fscanf(s,%s) % gives me the data from the arduino
i want my vector size to be 500. so when I run it in for loop
for i= 1:50
data =fscanf(s,'%s');
my output is: data = initializationsuccesful!
data = ax:123ay:23az:1234gx:23gy:50gz:43mx:23my:123mz:234
and goes on.
I use,
A_x(:,i) = str2num(data(:,4:8))
to get my vector. but since 'initializationsuccessful!' is not a number i am unable to form my vector. so how can I do it ???? this is my question
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