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Parellel computing toolbox speedup

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Brent le 24 Fév 2012
Hello, I've got some computationally intensive problems to solve so i downloaded the parallel computing toolbox but when testing, parfor loops take longer than for loops even in large loops (for loop takes 55secs while parfor takes 60secs). I would think these loops are big enough to overcome the overhead costs of palatalization. I'm running an iMac with an i7 quad core and 32 gb ram. I'm not using a cluster, i'm trying to utilize all of my cores. Is there some sort of configuration I need to change? Might it be intel's hyperthreading causing a problem? Any input would be appriciated
  5 commentaires
Sarah Wait Zaranek
Sarah Wait Zaranek le 26 Mar 2012
Did you make sure to open up a matlab pool?
Jan le 27 Mar 2012
4 very good comments. Actually good enough to be votable answers.

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Réponses (1)

Daniel Shub
Daniel Shub le 27 Mar 2012
Not all problems can be sped up with parallel processing on a single computer. MATLAB automatically utilizes all cores for a number of its standard functions. If your processing is not processor limited, or if MATLAB is already using all your processing power, the PCT will not help.


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