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The filename specified was not found in the MATLAB path

9 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Gova ReDDy
Gova ReDDy le 25 Fév 2012
Commenté : Image Analyst le 26 Mar 2015
Hi... Can someone suggest something about this error.Even I'm using the correct path I'm getting this error ??? Error using ==> mmreader.mmreader>mmreader.getFullPathName at 332 The filename specified was not found in the MATLAB path.
Error in ==> mmreader.mmreader>mmreader.init at 358 fullName = mmreader.getFullPathName(fileName);
Error in ==> mmreader.mmreader>mmreader.mmreader at 133 obj.init(fileName);
Error in ==> prjct at 10 xyloObj = mmreader(movieFullFileName);

Réponses (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 25 Fév 2012
I know you know how to use the debugger by now. So what happens when you examine the variable "movieFullFileName" when you stop there? Does it have a valid filename? You should be writing more robust code by now, including things like putting this (untested) before you call mmreader:
if ~exist(movieFullFileName, 'file')
warningMessage = sprintf('Warning: movie file %s does not exist', movieFullFileName);
return; % Bail out
  3 commentaires
Jan le 26 Mar 2015
@Rahul: If you do not know how to use the debugger it is time to learn it. Open the documentation and search for the chapters about the debugger. You cannot handle Matlab efficiently without doing this. Even the forum cannot guess, why the variable movieFullFileName contains a file name, which is not found.

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