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Save data to .mat file

9 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Hazel Sialongo
Hazel Sialongo le 27 Sep 2016
Commenté : Hazel Sialongo le 27 Sep 2016
How can I save data to a mat file? I just want to create 10 column mat file. I also want column headings in the first row of each column.

Réponse acceptée

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 27 Sep 2016
Once you had created the table described there, you can save() it to a .mat file.
Are you trying to create a text output file or a binary output file?
If you are trying to save to a text file with column headers, then really the best way is to fopen(), fprintf() the headers, fprintf() the data, and then fclose().
If you are trying to save to a text file with column headers, and you really feel a need to use save, then use fopen(), fprintf() the headers, fclose(). Then use
save TheMatFileName -ascii -tabs -append TheVariableName
If you are trying to save in binary form and you need column headers then you need to use a table() object (described in the link above), or you need to use a dataset() object from the Statistics toolbox. Those are the only kinds of rectangular arrays that support column headers.
  1 commentaire
Hazel Sialongo
Hazel Sialongo le 27 Sep 2016
I've just got an answer to this. But anyway, thank you.

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