I have code for BFO of Rosenbrock function given in matlab. Now I want to change into clustering where I have to associate Bacteria with my given cluster centers. How could I do it.

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
%%Bacterial Foraging Optimization
% Rolando Gonzales
% Bayesian Institute for Research on Development
% (http://www.bayesgroup.org)
% November, 2015
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Based on Section 2.2 of,
% Chen, Hanning, Yunlong Zhu, and Kunyuan Hu.
% "Cooperative bacterial foraging optimization."
% Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2009 (2009)
% and the Bacterial Foraging code of Wael Korani,
% http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/20217-bacterial-foraging
% Currently the BFO code is programmed to optimize the two-variable
% Rosenbrock function,
% f(x,y) = (a-x)^2 + b*(y-x^2)^2
% (rose_fungraph plots a countourplot of the Rosenbrock function)
% To optimize other functions it is necessary to change,
% fitnessBFO.m
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
clear; clc
% (1) Initialization
n = 2; % Dimension of search space
S = 60; % Number of bacteria in the colony
Nc = 25; % Number of chemotactic steps
Ns = 4; % Number of swim steps
Nre= 4; % Number of reproductive steps
Ned= 2; % Number of elimination and dispersal steps
Sr =S/2; % The number of bacteria reproductions (splits) per generation
Ped=0.5; % The probability that each bacteria will be eliminated/dispersed
c(:,1)=0.05*ones(S,1); % the run length unit (the size of the step taken in each run or tumble)
% Initial positions
for m=1:S % the initital posistions
B(1,:,1,1,1)= 10*rand(S,1)';
B(2,:,1,1,1)= 10*rand(S,1)';
% (2) Elimination-dispersal loop
for l = 1:Ned
% (3) Reproduction loop
for k = 1:Nre
% (4) Chemotaxis (swim/tumble) loop
for j=1:Nc
% (4.1) Chemotatic step
for i=1:S
% (4.2) Fitness function
J(i,j,k,l) = fitnessBFO(B(:,i,j,k,l));
% (4.3) Jlast
% (4.4) Tumble
Delta(:,i) = unifrnd(-1,1,n,1);
% (4.5) Move
% (4.6) New fitness function
% (4.7) Swimming
m=0; % counter for swim length
while m < Ns
if J(i,j+1,k,l)<Jlast
B(:,i,j+1,k,l)=B(:,i,j+1,k,l)+c(i,k)*Delta(:,i)/sqrt(Delta(:,i)'*Delta(:,i)) ;
J(i,j,k,l)=Jlast; %???
end % (4.8) Next bacterium
x = B(1,:,j,k,l);
y = B(2,:,j,k,l);
clf % clears figure
run rose_fungraph.m
plot(x,y,'*','markers',6) % plots figure
axis([-1.5 1.5 -1 3]), axis square
xlabel('x'); ylabel('y')
title('Bacterial Foraging Optimization'); grid on
legend('Rosenbrock function','Bacteria')
hold on
end % (5) if j < Nc, chemotaxis
% (6) Reproduction
% (6.1) Health
Jhealth=sum(J(:,:,k,l),2); % Set the health of each of the S bacteria
[Jhealth,sortind]=sort(Jhealth);% Sorts bacteria in order of ascending values
c(:,k+1)=c(sortind,k); % Keeps the chemotaxis parameters with each bacterium at the next generation
% (6.2) Split the bacteria
for i=1:Sr % Sr??
B(:,i+Sr,1,k+1,l)=B(:,i,1,k+1,l); % The least fit do not reproduce, the most fit ones split into two identical copies
end % (7) Loop to go to the next reproductive step
% (8) Elimination-dispersal
for m=1:S
if Ped>rand % % Generate random number
B(1,:,1,1,1)= 50*rand(S,1)';
B(2,:,1,1,1)= .2*rand(S,1)';
B(:,m,1,1,l+1)=B(:,m,1,Nre+1,l); % Bacteria that are not dispersed
reproduction = J(:,1:Nc,Nre,Ned);
[jlastreproduction,O] = min(reproduction,[],2); % min cost function for each bacterial
[Y,I] = min(jlastreproduction);
pbest = B(:,I,O(I,:),k,l);
display('Best solution:')
display(['x = ' mat2str(pbest(1),2)])
display(['y = ' mat2str(pbest(2),2)])
hold off
legend('Rosenbrock function','Bacteria','Best solution')

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