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Legend does not refresh after hold command

4 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Aurelien Queffurust
Aurelien Queffurust le 2 Mar 2012
Let'say I plot 2 lines and I want to display a legend
plot(1:10,'b','displayname','1st graph')
hold on
plot(3:5,'r','displayname','2ng graph')
It works as expected, I have a legend and 2 annotations.
Not let's say I also want to display the legend before the hold command (for any reason) :
plot(1:10,'b','displayname','1st graph')
hold on
plot(3:5,'r','displayname','2ng graph')
This time only the first annotation is displayed . I expected that recalling legend will refresh the legend information.
  1. Is it the expected behavior?
  2. What are the best practices to call legend ?
  3. Do we have to call legend ONCE and only after having plotted everything?
Thanks for your tips,

Réponse acceptée

Aurelien Queffurust
Aurelien Queffurust le 20 Sep 2012
I have just noticed that there was no answer . Since this question I found 3 workarounds :
This is one :
plot(1:10,b',displayname,1st graph)
hold on
plot(3:5,r',displayname,2ng graph)
Another solution from Yair : here

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