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What should I do with NaN

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Lok Yiu To
Lok Yiu To le 2 Nov 2016
First time being in the forum...
I have a set of EMG data (with a column of time and a column of corresponding EMG data). Unfortunately, there were missing data points during the data collection(so those data do not exist in my data set) and so I substituted those point with NaN.
Here's the problem: if I want to filter the EMG data, it will give out a column of NaN because my original vector contains NaN. So what should I substitute with the missing EMG data point instead?
Thank you

Réponse acceptée

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 2 Nov 2016
You could interpolate the signal at the points that are NaN.
One convenient routine for that is John D'Errico's File Exchange contribution inpaint_nan

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