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I want Simlink library "dspxform3" as matlab code as is. How do I do it ?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
I am looking for script in .m file for Short-Time Fourie Transform. I found that Simulink Library dspxform3 is an exact function I want. How do I get Matlab script from dspform3? I assume that I can change some parameter settings such as windows kind/length/degree of overlap to adjacent frame in the script. Thank you for your corporation in advance. Best regards, Hiroshi Sekiguchi
  2 commentaires
mizuki le 7 Nov 2016
Is dspxform3/dspform3 a block in Simulink?
I searched the block with
>> docsearch dspxform3
>> docsearch dspform3
on MATLAB, but could not find them.
In DSP System Toolbox, there is a function dsp.FFT. That might work on your case.
If you could give us more details what you exactly want to do, we might be able to give you a suitable answer.
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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 7 Nov 2016
  2 commentaires
Hiroshi Sekiguchi
Hiroshi Sekiguchi le 7 Nov 2016
Hi Robert, Great! it is what I am looking for in functionality! But I have major issue. I ran this example and STFT script with example waveform, track.wav. I changed wavread to audioread because it is old. But I got a failure message, saying " Matlab encountered low level graphics error and could not make graphics properly. Solve low level graphics error. For debugging, see the attached .txt file for detail. My machine is 7 month old Window10 and I happended to check&update all periheral drivers including graphics last night. Hiroshi
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 7 Nov 2016
https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/108644-why-do-i-get-java-exceptions-when-opening-many-figures-using-simulink-with-many-scopes-or-using-cft suggests graphics drivers problems as most likely.

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