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How to compare two colors?

5 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Samah EL QASSAH le 1 Déc 2016
Commenté : Samah EL QASSAH le 6 Déc 2016
I want to compare the color of a button with another color. I wrote the code below:
c = get(handles.showColor, 'BackgroundColor');
color = 'green';
st = strcmp(c,color);
if(st == 1)
img = imread('image\electronique.png');
axis off;
is it correct? Can i compare c and color?

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Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes le 1 Déc 2016
Samah - with R2014a, if I create a pushbutton and then call
an array of three elements is returned as
ans =
0.9255 0.9255 0.9255
The elements of this array correspond to the red, green, and blue components of the colour with values between zero and one. Your code
st = strcmp(c,color);
is attempting to compare a string with an array of numbers and so will fail. You would need to determine what the equivalent RGB colour for green would be. For example,
greenClr = [0 1 0];
and then you would need to compare each element of greenClr with each element of c. However since these elements are doubles (not integers) you would need to compare the pairs within some tolerance. For example,
myColour = rand(1,3);
greenColour = [0 1 0];
% compare the two
if all(abs(myColour - greenColour) < 0.000001)
fprintf('Colours are (near) identical!\n');
fprintf('Colours are not identical!\n');
Note that since
abs(myColour - greenColour) < 0.000001
returns a logical array of three elements, then we need to use all which returns true (1) or false (0) if all elements of the input array are one or not.
  1 commentaire
Samah EL QASSAH le 6 Déc 2016
Thank you so much! It's so helpful :)

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