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Detect only needed circles without thresholding

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Yassine Zaafouri
Yassine Zaafouri le 7 Déc 2016
Commenté : Image Analyst le 26 Jan 2017
I have an image of some test machine . I want to detect only 4 circles because these are used to limit the wanted range.I will use the centers of theese circles to extract only the needed image which is only the propeller.can any one help me please? Other ideas are welcome. (i dont want to use the thresholding because i have more Pictures with different intensities)

Réponses (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 10 Déc 2016
How much do the circles move from one snapshot to the next? Can you just use a mask/template to look in 4 known, predetermined regions?
  10 commentaires
Yassine Zaafouri
Yassine Zaafouri le 21 Déc 2016
Mr Image Analyst can you help me detecting the big squares whaterver the intensity and brightness of pixels is please ? because i am changing the Integration time and the gain of the camera. Thank you
Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 26 Jan 2017
Not unless you put back up the image(s). They used to be there but now they're gone. I don't have anything to work with!

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