How can I implement a 2D DFT?

23 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Carmen Alabart Gutierrez del Olmo
Commenté : SA le 4 Fév 2022
I have been trying to implement a 2D DFT but the code is not working properly and I cannot find the bug. Can anyone help me?
im = zeros(8,8);
im(1,1) = 1;
[r_im, c_im] = size(im);
S_2 = zeros (size(im));
values = zeros(size(im));
for ky = 1:8
for kx = 1:8
for y = -3:4
for x = -3:4
values(y+4,x+4) = im(y+4,x+4)*exp(((-2i)*pi)*((kx*x/c_im)+(ky*y/r_im)));
S_2(ky,kx) = sum(sum(values));
values(:,:) = 0;
S_2 = fftshift(S_2);
MRI_im_2 = abs(ifft(S_2));
subplot(1,3,1),imshow(im), title('Original Image');
subplot(1,3,2),imshow(S_2,[]),title('FFT Simulation');
subplot(1,3,3),imshow(MRI_im_2,[]), title('IFFT Simulation');
  2 commentaires
Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 10 Déc 2016
It runs without error. What do you think it's not working? Supply more information about what you think is not right. It's just doing what you told it to.
SA le 4 Fév 2022
@Image Analyst, I've also experienced problems implementing 2d DFT for spatial spectrum. Can you please help me regarding that link

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Réponses (2)

Kushagr Gupta
Kushagr Gupta le 20 Déc 2016
It might also help to compare the result of code written with the inbuilt MATLAB 2D FFT function 'fft2'.
Documentation for the 'fft2' function is available at the following link:

Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 20 Déc 2016
Attached are my 2D fft demos.

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