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I have a matrix of values, but get an error when applying the matrix to a function, that the matrix is not an Array

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
hde le 9 Mar 2012
Clôturé : MATLAB Answer Bot le 20 Août 2021
I have made up a number of columns of data (including columns of zero data) and saved the output into a variable, which when I display it, looks like a matrix, as I wish it to.
When I try to apply the matrix to a function I get the error:
??? Attempt to reference field of non-structure array.
I am aware that this question has been asked many times, but have not seen a solution that I understand.
The code I used to generate my matrix was:
fid = fopen('u001_s01_sign_ds2-tb-0c_03.svc','r');
data = textscan(fid,'%f %f %f %f %f %f %f','HeaderLines',1);
B=[data{3} data{1} data{2} data{7} data{4} data{5} data{6}];
D=[data{3} data{1} data{2} data{7} x data{4} x x x data{5} data{6} x x x x];
So I am accessing data from a file, rearranging the columns and adding in columns of zero. This then puts the data in the right format for the function to work:
The function structure input is as follows:
Where segmentation=1 or 0.
When I checked to see what type my variable D was I got the following:
>> whos D
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
D 150x15 18000 double
Can anyone provide any insight as to why Matlab says that I am trying to reference a field of non-structure array when I type myfunction(D,1)?
  2 commentaires
Tom le 9 Mar 2012
is the error message at a line in the function?

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