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Delete rows with NaN records

500 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Meh le 12 Mar 2012
How can I delete rows which have NaN on one of the column.

Réponse acceptée

Jan le 12 Mar 2012
X = rand(10, 10);
X(X < 0.1) = NaN;
X(any(isnan(X), 2), :) = [];
Or do you mean exactly one NaN in a row?
X(sum(isnan(X), 2) == 1, :) = [];
  4 commentaires
chocho le 8 Mar 2017
_hi bro in my case i have NA and i want to delete it and keep the Lines which have NA inside
0.255898 NA 0.257966
0.180000 RNASE 0.389999
0.892222 NA 0.458888
0.155523 GNAS 0.892133
*output wanted *
0.180000 RNASE 0.389999
0.155523 GNAS 0.892133
Note: Command i tried is isempty(strfind(l,'NA')) but it delete everything !
Jan le 8 Mar 2017
Dear chocho phD: Please post some code which creates your input in proper Matlab syntax. It is tedious to guess the type of your data. While "NA" must be a string, the rest of this thread concerned NaN, which is a double number.
Again: Please open a new thread for a new question. Then please post the complete code. "isempty(strfind(l,'NA'))" is only a hint, but we cannot see, where what is deleted by which command.
A bold guess:
C = {0.255898, 'NA', 0.257966; ...
0.180000, 'RNASE', 0.389999; ...
0.892222, 'NA', 0.458888; ...
0.155523, 'GNAS', 0.892133};
Key = C(:,2);
keep = ~cellfun('isempty', strfind(Key, 'NA')) & ~strcmp(Key, 'NA');
Wanted = C(keep, :)
Now this comment has no relation to my answer or to the original question. You cannot vote or accept this solution. So actually Meh's thread has been "highjacked".

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Plus de réponses (3)

Chris Turnes
Chris Turnes le 7 Mar 2017
Not that this question needed another answer, but, you can also check out the rmmissing function that was introduced in R2016b. If you combine this with standardizeMissing, you can convert your 'GNAs' strings to a standard missing indicator, and then remove the rows with rmmissing.

carmen le 12 Mar 2012
check out the isnan() functioion. the following code looks like a workaround but it works:
A=[1 2 3;nan 4 5;nan 6 nan];
B %returns the only nan-free row of A: [1 2 3]
  1 commentaire
Ahmad Alsayed
Ahmad Alsayed le 22 Nov 2021
A=[1 2 3;nan 4 5;nan 6 nan]
A = 3×3
1 2 3 NaN 4 5 NaN 6 NaN
B %returns the only nan-free row of A: [1 2 3]
B = 1×3
1 2 3

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Manuel Aboy
Manuel Aboy le 28 Déc 2022
mpg = mpg(~ismissing(mpg));


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