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what does this command plots?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Adithya Chakilam
Adithya Chakilam le 24 Jan 2017
Commenté : Adam le 24 Jan 2017
plot(1:size(image,1) , mean(Image,2), 'g' );
  1 commentaire
Adam le 24 Jan 2017
Surely the simplest way to understand is just to run the code?!

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Réponses (1)

the cyclist
the cyclist le 24 Jan 2017
Modifié(e) : the cyclist le 24 Jan 2017
Assuming that image is an NxN array, this command plots a single green line that
  • along the x-axis, goes from 1 to N
  • along the y-axis, goes along the mean value of the 1st through Nth rows
See details in the documentation for plot.
(Also, I assume you mean that "image" and "Image" are the same variable, and just did a typo in capitalization.)
  2 commentaires
Adithya Chakilam
Adithya Chakilam le 24 Jan 2017
Modifié(e) : Adithya Chakilam le 24 Jan 2017
can you explain me what does number after that filename represents?
the cyclist
the cyclist le 24 Jan 2017
For the size command, it is specifying the dimension of the array that want the size of. In this case, you are specifying that you want the size in the first dimension, which is along the columns.
Similarly, for the mean command, it is specifying that you want the mean along dimension 2.

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