Plot titles in for loop with string and variable names

8 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Andrea Tersigni
Andrea Tersigni le 24 Fév 2017
Commenté : Guillaume le 24 Fév 2017
I have a for loop that gives me several plots from sec. How can i make the several plots titles display both the value of sec and a string?
if true
leg=legend('Stock price','Location','Best');set(leg,'FontSize',8);legend('boxoff');
datetick;title(sec{1});ylabel('USD'); % code

Réponses (1)

Guillaume le 24 Fév 2017
title(sprintf('Plot of stock %s', sec{1}));
The format specifier (%s in this case) depends on the type of variable (string, integer, real number) that you want to add to the string. Read the documentation of sprintf.
  2 commentaires
Andrea Tersigni
Andrea Tersigni le 24 Fév 2017
Modifié(e) : Andrea Tersigni le 24 Fév 2017
In the for loop I also have the mean return and standard deviation for each security, can I use sprintf to display "The return for security ... is ... and the standard deviation is ..."? Both are not integers.
Guillaume le 24 Fév 2017
As I said, look at the documentation which includes all sort of examples.
sprintf('The return for security %s is %2.4g and the standard deviation is %2.4g', sec{1}, secmean, secstd)
Coming up with a format string that does what you want is not hard.

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