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How to convert the samples of sinusoid to binary form?

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
kshama PATEL
kshama PATEL le 6 Mar 2017
Commenté : kshama PATEL le 12 Mar 2017
In matlab r2016b 'RF satellite link documentation', the original model has 'Bernoulli binary generator' block as an input signal. I have replaced it with a 'DSP sine wave generator' block. how to convert the samples of sinusoid into the binary form? please find the Picture of the original as well as modified model as an attachment to this question.

Réponse acceptée

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 6 Mar 2017
  1 commentaire
kshama PATEL
kshama PATEL le 12 Mar 2017
thank you so much. your answer was useful

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