How to crop a square that has a rotational angle?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Guilherme Pelegrini
Guilherme Pelegrini le 9 Mar 2017
I need to crop one square of this image:
As you can see, I can't use imcrop() because it isn't horizontal, the squares has a rotational angle, and the region cropped need to be precisely on the edge of the line.
How can I do it?

Réponses (3)

Massimo Zanetti
Massimo Zanetti le 9 Mar 2017
Modifié(e) : Massimo Zanetti le 9 Mar 2017
Inspect this: roipoly
Here is an example of what you can do:
%open an image
A = imread('coins.png');
%run roi tool, where you can define your polygon
BW = roipoly(A);
%extract image pixels in the roi
S = regionprops(BW,'ConvexImage','BoundingBox');
r = S.BoundingBox;
Q = A( round(r(2)) + (1:r(4)) , round(r(1)) + (1:r(3)) );
%display cropped image
im = imagesc(Q);
im.AlphaData = S.ConvexImage;
axis image; colormap gray;
In the roipoly window track your points manually to define a polygon, as in the picture:
Then, right-click and "Create Mask", you will get your cropped image:
  1 commentaire
Selina le 1 Avr 2019
Is it possible to use rectangle crop using the ROI function? If so, can anyone please send a sample coding?

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cui,xingxing le 5 Mar 2022
I wrote an enhanced 'imcrop' function that supports rotating rectangle interception, but yours is an irregular quadrilateral, but you can also refer to what I wrote with 'estimateGeometricTransform2D' to estimate the conversion matrix, and then bring in the 'imwarp' function can be completed arbitrary shape interception, I hope it helps you

Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 19 Avr 2022
If you need to find the white lines automatically, you can try hough(), houghlines(), or radon().
I'm attaching a demo for how to use the radon transform to find the angle or rotation, and then it uses imrotate() to rotate the image until it's straight. Adapt as needed.


En savoir plus sur Geometric Transformation and Image Registration dans Help Center et File Exchange

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