how to find pixel value of an image

8 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
vasantha malairamar
vasantha malairamar le 27 Mar 2017
[r c]=size(A);pixel
  1 commentaire
Adam le 27 Mar 2017
Your question is not clear, mostly because you just wrote 2 lines of code without any question apart from the very vague title.

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Réponses (4)

aaru sri
aaru sri le 7 Fév 2019
how to make a one pixel change in it

KSSV le 27 Mar 2017
% Gray Image
I = imread('your image') ;
level = I(r, c);
% RGB image
I = imread('your image') ;
rgb = impixel(I,r,c) ;
  2 commentaires
vasantha malairamar
vasantha malairamar le 27 Mar 2017
Undefined function or variable 'c'.
Error in secure>pushbutton2_Callback (line 306) rg = impixel(I,r,c) ;
KSSV le 27 Mar 2017
r,c should be indices which stand off row and column positions.

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Sushil  Sharma
Sushil Sharma le 7 Nov 2019
I just update your answer, if you need to know the rows and columns in your image:
Let's say you have an image which is
I = imread('abc.png') % your image
rgb = impixel(I,rows, columns) %impixel function
rgb = 107 107 107 % you will get the pixel value

Aaron Charles Alday
Aaron Charles Alday le 16 Fév 2020
Hi! May I ask how to determine the pixel value of a grayscale picture?

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