Plot title with variables on single line

37 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Natasha le 29 Mar 2012
Modifié(e) : resh le 23 Juil 2017
I have the following line of code for a title on a plot:
title([IndexReturns.colheaders(1,k) '% move using' Days 'day rolling regression'])
But the title creates 4 seperate lines: 'variable, text, variable, text' instead of concatenating the text and variable values into a single line.
If I hardcode the title, it appears on 1 line.
Any ideas on how I remove the spacing?
Thanks in advance!
  1 commentaire
Inmaculada Mohino
Inmaculada Mohino le 25 Jan 2017
Thank you very much ;-)

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Réponse acceptée

Jonathan Sullivan
Jonathan Sullivan le 29 Mar 2012
My best guess if that IndexReturns.colheaders is a cell array. Try using curly brackets instead.
title([IndexReturns.colheaders{1,k} '% move using' Days 'day rolling regression'])
  1 commentaire
Natasha le 29 Mar 2012
That did it, thanks!

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Plus de réponses (1)

resh le 23 Juil 2017
Modifié(e) : resh le 23 Juil 2017
Wanted to do the same thing. But had to add num2str to work it properly.
title([num2str(IndexReturns.colheaders{1,k}) '% move using' num2str(Days) 'day rolling regression'])


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