How to place contents into a specif cell index?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Mark Golberg
Mark Golberg le 13 Juin 2017
Modifié(e) : Andrei Bobrov le 13 Juin 2017
Hello, I'm having a syntex issue with cellfun (I think).
I have the following:
A = cell(1,2);
B = cell(1,2);
A(1,1) = {rand(3,4,5)};
B(1,1) = {rand(3,4)};
A(1,2) = {rand(3,4,5)};
B(1,2) = {rand(3,4)};
I'd like to go over each cell in A, and place there the corresponding cell B, at location A(:,:,3).
I'm guessing cellfun should be used, but I can't figure it out how to write correctly the syntax.
Help please, someone?
  1 commentaire
Adam le 13 Juin 2017
So you want to create a 3d cell array as the result?
cat( 3, A, B )
ought to do what you want if I understand correctly, though A(:,:,3) is a bit confusing.
You cannot use cellfun to resize an array - it will just operate over the elements in an array and give an output of the same size.

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Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov le 13 Juin 2017
Modifié(e) : Andrei Bobrov le 13 Juin 2017
AA = cat(4,A{:});
AA(:,:,3,:) = cat(3,B{:});
A = squeeze(num2cell(AA,1:3));
or with loop for..end
for ii = 1:numel(A)
A{ii}(:,:,3) = B{ii};

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