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How to stop getting cursor position?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
KAE le 21 Juin 2017
Commenté : KAE le 23 Juin 2017
I have a function based on GUI_27 by Matt Fig. The function continuously displays the position of the cursor as the mouse is moved within the axis. I'd like to know: how can I turn off this behavior, so it stops extracting and displaying the cursor location? In my real GUI, the user pushes a pushbutton to start displaying the cursor location, but I don't know how to stop it.

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Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes le 23 Juin 2017
KAE - how have you implemented the function as described in GUI_27? Do you use the same callback like
set(S.fh,'windowbuttonmotionfcn',{@fh_wbmfcn,S}) % Set the motion detector
If so, you could try clearing this callback as
so that the WindowButtonMotionFcn no longer has a callback function to update the cursor position. When you need to know the cursor position then just restore the callback as however you have initialed it before.
  1 commentaire
KAE le 23 Juin 2017
This will work with how I have the code implemented, thanks!

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