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storing of values in matlab

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
nitya ...
nitya ... le 18 Mar 2011
can we do any operation on x,y after plotting?
how can we catch the values of y at different x values?

Réponse acceptée

Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva le 18 Mar 2011
x and y are variables, in that case they are vectors 1xn columns, you can do many operations to them.
x and y have the same size, x(1) and y(1) correspond to the first point and so on until x(end) and y(end)
  4 commentaires
Matt Fig
Matt Fig le 18 Mar 2011
No, Paulo... I was joking with you because these questions are all the same.
Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva le 18 Mar 2011
tell that to the OP :) I just answered the best I could to the questions :s

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Plus de réponses (1)

Matt Fig
Matt Fig le 18 Mar 2011
You need to stop posting many questions on the exact same subject, take a deep breath, and figure out exactly what you are trying to do. We cannot read your mind. What does it mean to "catch the values of y at different x values"?? You have x and y, so if you want to look at them instead of plot them, do this:
If that isn't what you want, clarify with very descriptive words!
Perhaps you mean that you want a function which will return the y for a given x?
f = @(X) interp1(x,y,X,'nearest');
f(x(1)) % Should return y(1)


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