vectorize a loop or two so that the program runs faster

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Osita Onyejekwe
Osita Onyejekwe le 25 Juil 2017
Commenté : Jan le 25 Juil 2017
can someone help me vectorize a loop or two so that my program runs faster? It runs but the results take AGES.. Here is the whole code. Thank you!!!
clear all
noise_Levels = 3;
number_signals = 4;
MSE_CV = zeros(number_signals,noise_Levels);
MSE_plugIN = zeros(number_signals,noise_Levels);
MSE_Mean_Max_SNR = zeros(number_signals,noise_Levels);
MSE_maxSNR = zeros(number_signals,noise_Levels);
MSE_Poly_SNR = zeros(number_signals,noise_Levels);
%for j = 1:noise_Levels
% j
kernelShape = 'Tricube';
%********************%COMPLEX SINE******************************
% w=[0.0:0.01:1-.01]';
% w=repmat(w,5,1); %repmat(w,10,1);
% t=[ones(100,1)];
% for i=2:5
% t=[t;i*ones(100,1)];
% end
% %stpFunc = abs(sin(2*pi*w.*t)); %+6*sigma;
% stpFunc = sin(2*pi*w.*t); %+6*sigma;
% n = length(stpFunc);
% %plot(stpFunc)
% origFun = stpFunc';
% X = linspace(0,4*pi,100);
% N=length(X);
% ySignal=(X-5).^2+10;
% ySignal=sin(X);
% origFun = ySignal;
% y = origFun;
% n = length(y);
%************** Polynomial function******************************
cc = 1000;
x = [1:cc]/cc;
origFun =(x-0.5).*(x-0.25).*(x-0.75).*20+10;
y = origFun;
n = length(origFun);
bwStep = [0.001:0.001:0.004,0.005:0.01:0.2];
p = 1;
% x = [1:length(stpFunc)]/length(stpFunc);
x = [1:n]/n;
X = x;
%x = rand(n,1);
spc = 1/n;
bwSpc = round( bwStep / spc );
for j = 1:noise_Levels
for iLoop = 1:number_signals
[ycnoise,bwpl,yHatPlugIn,yHatCV,yHatSNRAll,yHatSNR,yHatSNRfinalBW,yHatSNRmeanBW,sigma,cvScore,cvBW] = FCN_AR_1_2_W(X',origFun',p,bwStep,x',kernelShape);
format short g
MSE_CV(iLoop,j) = (1/length(ycnoise))*sum((yHatCV(j,:) - origFun).^2);
MSE_plugIN(iLoop,j) = (1/length(ycnoise))*sum((yHatPlugIn(j,:) - origFun).^2);
MSE_Mean_Max_SNR(iLoop,j) = (1/length(ycnoise))*sum((yHatSNRmeanBW(j,:) - origFun).^2);
MSE_maxSNR(iLoop,j) = (1/length(ycnoise))*sum((yHatSNRAll(j,:) - origFun).^2);
MSE_Poly_SNR(iLoop,j) = (1/length(ycnoise))*sum((yHatSNRfinalBW(j,:) - origFun).^2);
The main part that needs to be vectorized is this part
for j = 1:noise_Levels
for iLoop = 1:number_signals
[ycnoise,bwpl,yHatPlugIn,yHatCV,yHatSNRAll,yHatSNR,yHatSNRfinalBW,yHatSNRmeanBW,sigma,cvScore,cvBW] = FCN_AR_1_2_W(X',origFun',p,bwStep,x',kernelShape);
format short g
MSE_CV(iLoop,j) = (1/length(ycnoise))*sum((yHatCV(j,:) - origFun).^2);
MSE_plugIN(iLoop,j) = (1/length(ycnoise))*sum((yHatPlugIn(j,:) - origFun).^2);
MSE_Mean_Max_SNR(iLoop,j) = (1/length(ycnoise))*sum((yHatSNRmeanBW(j,:) - origFun).^2);
MSE_maxSNR(iLoop,j) = (1/length(ycnoise))*sum((yHatSNRAll(j,:) - origFun).^2);
MSE_Poly_SNR(iLoop,j) = (1/length(ycnoise))*sum((yHatSNRfinalBW(j,:) - origFun).^2);
  2 commentaires
Stephen23 le 25 Juil 2017
"The main part that needs to be vectorized is this part"
How do you know that vectorization will help? What mlint messages do you get? Have you used the profiler? Have you tried any other ways to improve code running speed?:
Jan le 25 Juil 2017
Omit the "format short g", because it is not useful here. This wil not acclerate the code remarkably, but keeping the loops clean is the point to start from.
It seems like
[ycnoise,bwpl,yHatPlugIn,yHatCV,yHatSNRAll,yHatSNR, ...
yHatSNRfinalBW,yHatSNRmeanBW,sigma,cvScore,cvBW] = ...
does not depend on iLoop, then move it out of the for iLoop loop.

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