How to fit largest ellipsoid for 3d data points such that it covers all points?

4 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
ankit agrawal
ankit agrawal le 7 Août 2017
Commenté : ankit agrawal le 8 Août 2017
Hi, I have search a lot for ellipsoid fit to 3d data and come up with some answer but I want some improvement in my method such that it covers all the data points. My code is here.
Y=data; % data in non-principle coordinate
X = data;
oldmu =mean(X);
X= bsxfun(@minus,X,oldmu); % mean-centered data
[pc val] = eig(X'*X );
nC = X*pc; % data in principle coordinate
a2=(max(nC(:,1))-min(nC(:,1)))/2; %range of data in X
b2=(max(nC(:,2))-min(nC(:,2)))/2; %range of data in Y
c2=(max(nC(:,3))-min(nC(:,3)))/2; %range of data in Z
[x, y, z] = ellipsoid(0,0,0,a2,b2,c2,40);
% fit ellipsoid in principle coordinate
tt=[x(:) y(:) z(:)]*inv(pc);%ellipsoid in non-principle coordinate
% plot ellipsoid in non-principle coordinate
hSurface=surf(nx+oldmu(1), ny+oldmu(2), nz+oldmu(3), 'FaceColor','r','EdgeColor','none','FaceAlpha',0.6);
hold on
%plot data in non-principle coordinate
The data file is here.
  1 commentaire
Baptiste Ottino
Baptiste Ottino le 7 Août 2017
What do you mean by "covers all the data points". Do you want an ellipsoid that encompasses all the data points? Or is all your data located on the surface of an ellipsoid for sure?

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Réponses (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 8 Août 2017
I think it's pretty difficult. John did the same thing in 2-D here If it were easy he'd probably have done it already.
  1 commentaire
ankit agrawal
ankit agrawal le 8 Août 2017
Thank you for answer. Someone told me about Khachiyan Algorithm and it is working very fine.

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