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Solve takes forever without error message for certain input values

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Tina Gottwald
Tina Gottwald le 21 Août 2017
Hello, I try to solve following equation using matlab (R2016a+Symbolic Toolbox):
syms R2
eta=(2*R2 + 499999999999999999999999974/5)/(2*(99999999999999999999999999*R2 - 1549999999999999999999999987/5)) - 28670157817202169/38280596832649216
u =- (500000000000000000000000000*R2)/(31*(99999999999999999999999999*R2 - 1549999999999999999999999987/5)) - 3511406642924695/36028797018963968
v =3511406642924695/36028797018963968 - (500000000000000000000000000*R2)/(31*(99999999999999999999999999*R2 - 1549999999999999999999999987/5))
R2ges=transpose([transpose(R2a) transpose(R2b)])
This works fine and will deliver two solutions for R2 in seconds. However the same code with different input parameters eta u and v will not give a solution in reasonable time without bringing any kind of error message.
syms R2
eta =(2*R2 + 4499999999999999999999999801/45)/(2*(99999999999999999999999999*R2 - 2711111111111111111111111089/10)) - 4465535319756041/38280596832649216
u =- (1125000000000000000000000000*R2)/(61*(99999999999999999999999999*R2 - 2711111111111111111111111089/10)) - 7022813285849393/72057594037927936
v =7022813285849393/72057594037927936 - (1125000000000000000000000000*R2)/(61*(99999999999999999999999999*R2 - 2711111111111111111111111089/10))
R2ges=transpose([transpose(R2a) transpose(R2b)])
If I stop the code, I get the following message:
Operation terminated by user during mupadengine/evalin (line 102)
In mupadengine/feval (line 158)
[S,err] = evalin(engine,stmt,'message');
In solve (line 292)
sol = eng.feval('solve', eqns, vars, solveOptions);
In forum_test (line 29)
Do you have any ideas how to resolve the problem? I want to solve this equation a lot of times in order to find certain cases that fulfill other conditions. However, if in a loop iteration, one of the "solve" lines takes forever, this does obviously not work and will make it very impractical for example to have a lot of iterations run over night.
Thanks and best regards, Tina
  2 commentaires
Torsten le 21 Août 2017
What you have after multiplication with the denominators is a polynomial equation of 4th degree in R2. There is an analytic solution formula for such polynomials. Why don't you use it directly ?
Best wishes
Tina Gottwald
Tina Gottwald le 21 Août 2017
Hello, I did not use a direct analytical solution for a polynomial because the "type" of polynomial you get can vary depending on other input parameters (the code shown here is a very small part of a more complex calculation). It may be difficult to code all the possible cases with an "own" analytical formula.
I know that there will not always be a real solution for R2. If there is none, then the code should simply continue with the next iteration. I just tried to use the Return Parameters to keep the code from taking forever to try to find a solution, but so far without much success. It takes about 15 Minutes before the code continues in some cases... I

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Réponses (1)

Tina Gottwald
Tina Gottwald le 21 Août 2017
The problem could be solved the following way:
syms R2
assume (R2, 'real')
eta =(2*R2 + 4499999999999999999999999906/45)/(2*(99999999999999999999999999*R2 - 772222222222222222222222217/5)) + 37229654178979847/76561193665298432
u =7022813285849389/72057594037927936 - (4500000000000000000000000000*R2)/(139*(99999999999999999999999999*R2 - 772222222222222222222222217/5))
v =- (4500000000000000000000000000*R2)/(139*(99999999999999999999999999*R2 - 772222222222222222222222217/5)) - 7022813285849389/72057594037927936
R2ges=transpose([transpose(R2a) transpose(R2b)])
The line assume( R2, 'real') did the trick for me as I'm only looking for real solutions. The code is now fast and runs without problems.

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