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How to generate grayscale from equation?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Belal Abboushi
Belal Abboushi le 18 Sep 2017
Commenté : Belal Abboushi le 20 Sep 2017
Hello, I'm trying to generate a grayscale image similar to one attached using an equation. The image is a circle in which the center area is brighter while areas closer to rim are darker (gradient). This gradient is determined by an an equation (Y= constant*X) where X is angle from center of circle, and Y is the relative brightness. The resultant image needs to be 800*800 pixels.
Any leads or tips on how to go about doing this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Belal
  2 commentaires
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 18 Sep 2017
The image appears to be symmetric with angle, contrary to your requirement that the gradient depend linearly on the angle.
Now if the gradient were to decrease with linear radius from the center...
Belal Abboushi
Belal Abboushi le 18 Sep 2017
The gradient should get darker towards the edge. Assuming center of circle is 0% and edge is 75%. Is there a way to map these values across the circle?

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Réponses (1)

Rik le 18 Sep 2017
  1. Get the 800x800 coordinates with meshgrid
  2. Convert the coordinates to polar coordinates wit cart2pol
  3. Apply the formula to find the value (make sure your formula uses element-wise operations only)
You can use reshape if you like to convert the coordinate matrices to a vector and the outcome back to a matrix.
Don't forget that imshow depends on the datatype.
  3 commentaires
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 18 Sep 2017
[R,C] = meshgrid(-400:399);
d = sqrt(R.^2 + C.^2);
mask = d <= 375; %you do not want the circle to go edge to edge
d(~mask) = 0; %outside circle is black
maxd = max(d(:));
gradient = d ./ maxd * 0.75; %so 0 at center and 0.75 at radius
tone_down_by = 0.9;
d(mask) = (1 - gradient(mask)) .* tone_down_by;
imagesc(d, [0 1]); colormap(gray(256));
Belal Abboushi
Belal Abboushi le 20 Sep 2017
Thank you this was helpful, Walter.

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