Allocate page locked memory for output array in mex?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Justin le 19 Avr 2012
Commenté : James Tursa le 11 Fév 2019
I have something like this:
plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(ref_row, ref_col, mxREAL);
I would like to know if it's possible to replace this function with a cudaHostAlloc function instead. Thanks.

Réponse acceptée

James Lebak
James Lebak le 19 Avr 2012
Unfortunately this isn't possible in MATLAB today. The function mxCreateDoubleMatrix returns an mxArray, not a raw pointer, and mxArrays that get returned to MATLAB need to be freed by MATLAB.
  3 commentaires
Ander Biguri
Ander Biguri le 11 Fév 2019
Is this still true in 2019?
James Tursa
James Tursa le 11 Fév 2019
MATLAB still needs to allocate its own memory for mxArray variables. Within a mex routine, that means using API functions or call backs into other MATLAB functions.

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