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Failure in initial objective function evaluation. FMINCON cannot continue. error in fmincon line(536)

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
I am trying to optimize my Gibbs energy function for a mixture of gases with fmincon and I keep getting 3 errors. my function looks like this.
function G=myGfunc(nj)
G=sum(nj.*(Gjo/R/T+ log(nj/Enj*(p/po))));
and I call the fmincon as follows:
options=optimset('Algorithm', 'interior-point');
the errors I get are:
Undefined function or variable 'Gjo'.
Error in myGfunc (line 3)
G=sum(nj.*(Gjo/R/T+ log(nj/Enj*(p/po))));
Error in fmincon (line 536)
initVals.f = feval(funfcn{3},X,varargin{:});
Error in myMeth (line 70)
Caused by:
Failure in initial objective function evaluation. FMINCON cannot continue.
It's weird since my Gjo is well defined and it gave solid values, before not defining the parameters needed for fmincon.
any help would by greatly appreciated

Réponse acceptée

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 10 Oct 2017
Your Gjo is initialized to 8 x 1, but in your function you use Gjo' which makes that into 1 x 8. You did not happen to notice that because you are using R2016b or later, which has "implicit expansion", and treated the addition of an 8x1 with a 1x8 by doing the equivalent of bsxfun(@plus, 8x1, 1x8) giving an 8 x 8 result.
Files attached. The one to run is abs_entrop

Plus de réponses (3)

Torsten le 5 Oct 2017
I suspect there is an argument for the log-function which is negative or undefined.
Best wishes

Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss le 9 Oct 2017
Almost certainly, you are not passing the value of Gjo that is in your workspace. See Passing Extra Parameters.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation
  3 commentaires
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 10 Oct 2017
You did not initialize your global variables. All of those global variables are going to be [] because they have not been initialized. Your routine is going to be returning [] rather than a scalar.
Sarv le 10 Oct 2017
oh yes I did. I just did not post them here. here is how I initialized them:
global T R P Po Gjo
T=1000; %K
P=6; %bar,
Po=1; %bar,
species= {'CH4' 'CO' 'CO2' 'H2' 'H2O' 'N2' 'O_2' 'C'};
Hf298= [-74; -110.53; -393.51; 0.0; -241.826; 0.0; 0.0; 0.0];
WB = [-0.703029 108.4773 -42.52157 5.862788 0.678565 -76.84376 158.7163 -74.87310 %CH4
25.56759 6.096130 4.054656 -2.671301 0.131021 -118.0089 227.3665 -110.5271 % CO
24.99735 55.18696 -33.69137 7.948387 -0.136638 -403.6075 228.2431 -393.5224 % CO2
33.066178 -11.363417 11.432816 -2.772874 -0.158558 -9.980797 172.707974 0.0 %H2
30.09200 6.832514 6.793435 -2.534480 0.082139 -250.8810 223.3967 -241.8264 % H2O
19.50583 19.88705 -8.598535 1.369784 0.527601 -4.935202 212.3900 0.0 %N2
31.32234 -20.23531 57.86644 -36.50624 -0.007374 -8.903471 246.7945 0.0 %O2
21.17510 -0.812428 0.448537 -0.043256 -0.013103 710.3470 183.8734 716.6690];
T_H = [t; t^.2/2; t.^3/3; t.^4/4; -1./t; 1; 0; -1];
T_S = [log(t); t; t.^2/2; t.^3/3; -1./(2*t.^2); 0; 1; 0];
H=WB*T_H; %(H-H_298.15)
S=WB*T_S/1000; %absolute entropy kj/mol/k
Gjo= Hf298+H-T*S;

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Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss le 10 Oct 2017
I suggest that you use the debugger and see what the size of the returned value G is from your objective function. I suspect that you are returning a vector, not a scalar.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation

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