How to combine numerator and denominator in original form

4 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Sultan le 11 Oct 2017
Commenté : Sultan le 12 Oct 2017
Hello Everyone,
suppose I have one vector say v =[ 2021429518004981288989071978287/3538031894290286283107218751488, 16596427267731862375274731305887/28304255154322290264857750011904]. Its numerator is Nv = [2021429518004981288989071978287, 16596427267731862375274731305887] and denominator is Dv= [3538031894290286283107218751488, 28304255154322290264857750011904]. I have done it by using [Nv, Dv] = numden(sym(v)) and 'sym' because my v is in symbolic form. Now suppose I have only Nv and Dv and I want to find exactly v (in same form) then how can I get it. Please help me.

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Karan Gill
Karan Gill le 11 Oct 2017
Modifié(e) : Karan Gill le 11 Oct 2017
The answer is in this example on the sym doc page:
>> Nv = sym(["2021429518004981288989071978287", "16596427267731862375274731305887"])
Nv =
[ 2021429518004981288989071978287, 16596427267731862375274731305887]
>> Dv = sym(["3538031894290286283107218751488", "28304255154322290264857750011904"])
Dv =
[ 3538031894290286283107218751488, 28304255154322290264857750011904]
>> Nv./Dv
ans =
[ 2021429518004981288989071978287/3538031894290286283107218751488, 16596427267731862375274731305887/28304255154322290264857750011904]
  1 commentaire
Sultan le 12 Oct 2017
Thanks dear Karan Gill. But when I run Nv = sym(["2021429518004981288989071978287", "16596427267731862375274731305887"]), then it shows an error: Error: The input character is not valid in MATLAB statements or expressions.

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KSSV le 11 Oct 2017

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