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Matlab simulink error: Only finite double vector or matrix outputs are supported.

68 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
In my simulink model where i am using block "Interpreted Matlab function" and the function is:
function test = testFunc()
test = [int16(0) int16(0)]
i get error :
An error occurred while running the simulation and the simulation was terminated Caused by:
Error in 'test2/Interpreted MATLAB Function'. Evaluation of expression resulted in an invalid output. Only finite double vector or matrix outputs are supported
Edit: It crashes in second iteration
What am i doing wrong? Thanks for help
  1 commentaire
budi raharjo
budi raharjo le 1 Juil 2018
Modifié(e) : budi raharjo le 2 Juil 2018
I have tried by use coder.nullcopy() and it works.
function d=functionsx(s)
a=[5 5 6; 7 6 8];
d = coder.nullcopy(zeros(size(b)));

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Réponse acceptée

Birdman le 2 Nov 2017
Why interpreted matlab function for a function like this? Can't you use instead Data Type Conversion block for it?
  5 commentaires
Birdman le 2 Nov 2017
At the end of the page, you'll see Characteristics pane and there, Data Types->Double is written

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Plus de réponses (1)

Xiaoxiong Zhang
Xiaoxiong Zhang le 8 Mai 2019
Maybe your function output is not a double type data, change your output to a double type data and see if it works? I have met the same problem before and I solve it out by changing my output data to double type using "output=double(output)". Hope this is helpful.
  3 commentaires
Zihao Qi
Zihao Qi le 9 Juin 2021
Hi,Ting Liang,
Excuse me,
I encountered the same problem too,have you solved this problem now?

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