How to calculate a period of a wave when you don't have the equation of the wave

19 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Hi guys,
I have this wave plotted in MATLAB for 10 periods. I only have the time and height arrays. What I would like is to calculate its period but I don't know how. I was thinking of finding all the values of time (X axis) when the height of the wave (Y axis) goes to 0 and then work from there. But one problem is that X is never 0 but only very close to zero except for the initial point height(1). Any help would be welcome! Thank you.

Réponse acceptée

Kaushik Lakshminarasimhan
You can use findpeaks to detect the peaks in your wave and then use the spacing between peaks to determine periodicity.
[~,peaklocs] = findpeaks(wave);
period = mean(diff(peaklocs)); % peaks may not be exactly periodic, so take mean
This should work unless your wave is very noisy.
  2 commentaires
Nicolas Nicolaides
Nicolas Nicolaides le 5 Nov 2017
Thank you very helpful, I actually used this way!
Jeffrey Ostler
Jeffrey Ostler le 8 Avr 2019
Modifié(e) : Jeffrey Ostler le 8 Avr 2019
This is exactly what I needed to find the period. I replaced 'wave' with (position,time) which were column vectors with data I'd imposted from my daq. Thanks so much.

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