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format numbers in plot

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Haris Hameed
Haris Hameed le 25 Avr 2012
i am using text command to show variable value in plot
but i am not able to format this variable (format short)
text(5,3,['variable value=',char(a)]) i get variable value = 0.324546494654894846156486494646
so how to format it to 0.32454

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Daniel Shub
Daniel Shub le 25 Avr 2012
instead of your char(a)
I would use
num2str(double(a), 6)
sprintf('%0.6f', double(a))
  3 commentaires
Daniel Shub
Daniel Shub le 25 Avr 2012
See my edit. I missed your "a" was a sym. You need to convert the sym to a double first.
Haris Hameed
Haris Hameed le 25 Avr 2012
thankx it works

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