Dear sir, i have matrix of distances(Euclidian) size 35 X 15, i want to calculate threshold value to determine accuracy.

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
i have matrix of distances(Euclidian) size 35 X 15 attached herewith, i want to calculate threshold of each column,to determine the recognition. I hope you have soluation of my problem, thanks..
  2 commentaires
KSSV le 8 Nov 2017
Threshold value??? Be clear of what you want.
Balaji M. Sontakke
Balaji M. Sontakke le 9 Nov 2017
Dear KSSV, i want to calculate recognition rate by testing and training images, my original matrix for testing is 56768 * 15 and training is 56768 * 35, just i have used 15 images for testing and 35 images for training, after that i have calculated euclidian distance of testing and training images i got matrix of 35*15 which is attached here, So my problem is how to calculate threshold value for classifying images. i hope you have a soluation for my problem, thanks..

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Réponses (1)

michael scheinfeild
michael scheinfeild le 8 Nov 2017
x=[ 1 2 3; 5 1 2 ; 6 1 4; 9 2 1]
x =
1 2 3
5 1 2
6 1 4
9 2 1
>> c=x>3
c =
4×3 logical array
0 0 0
1 0 0
1 0 1
1 0 0
>> m=find(c)
m =

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