zooming in only on x axis in app designer

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Rory Hand
Rory Hand le 8 Nov 2017
Modifié(e) : Caleb Wilkins le 17 Juin 2020
hi - I am trying to zoom in on the x axis in MATLAB app Designer for a gui I am making. I can already zoom in by using
However when I use:
I get this error:
Error using matlab.ui.control.UIAxes/zoom Unknown action character vector.
This also happens if I try to use yzoom too.
Any ideas how to fix this?

Réponses (2)

Jesus Velazquez
Jesus Velazquez le 1 Fév 2018
I'm using Matlab 2017b and the only supported function is zoom(app.UIAxes,'on');
When I tried zoom(app.UIAxes,'xon'); and zoom(app.UIAxes,'yon'); nothing happens, it doesn't even throw an error

Caleb Wilkins
Caleb Wilkins le 17 Juin 2020
Modifié(e) : Caleb Wilkins le 17 Juin 2020
Also looking for an answer. PING
I am trying to use zoom to change the proprties of a UIAxes in app designer. Using the below functions, I get an error.
zoom(UIAxes1,'yon'); %fails
zoom(UIAxes1,'xon'); %fails
zoom(UIAxes1,'on'); %does not fail, and works
zoom(UIAxes1,'off'); %does not fail, and works
Any thoughts? Perhaps it is a problem using it with an UIAxes, instead of a Figure?


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