How can I drive servomotor in Simulink?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
bayram özmen
bayram özmen le 25 Nov 2017
Commenté : bayram özmen le 25 Nov 2017
I want to drive a servomotor with using PWM. But MATLAB is giving a error.
  5 commentaires
bayram özmen
bayram özmen le 25 Nov 2017
I am sorry to dont understand you.
bayram özmen
bayram özmen le 25 Nov 2017
actually ı have a dynamic model with 3 servomotor and ı want to simulate this model in simmechanics. and ı have three angle information of these servomotors.So ı want to model servo that give me these angles. and I will use this model in simmechanics. ı wıll connect to motion input(q) of revolute joint. do you think it is true idea?

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