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How to convert tf2ss for MIMO system?

6 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Mashitah le 2 Mai 2012
Right now, I'm doing simulation that involve MIMO model. But the problem is I'm not sure with the result that was obtained.
Here is the command that I use to obtained TF of the model
g11=tf([134 295.2 53.5 0.5853],[1 2.462 0.986 0.1108 0.0007886]);
g12=tf([-0.03117 -0.006172 -6.789e-005],[1 2.462 0.986 0.1108 0.0007886]);
g21=tf([-9.083 -14.93 -2.62 -0.01219],[1 2.462 0.986 0.1108 0.0007886]);
g22=tf([0.06994 0.03405 0.004153 2.892e-005],[1 2.462 0.986 0.1108 0.0007886]);
Gspm=[g11 g12;g21 g22]
And I use sys=ss(Gspm) to obtain ss.
But the result look like something wrong. It's command sys=ss(Gspm) is wrong?
Anyone can help me?
Thank you in advance =)

Réponse acceptée

Arkadiy Turevskiy
Arkadiy Turevskiy le 2 Mai 2012
Modifié(e) : Arkadiy Turevskiy le 3 Mar 2015
There is no error in your code and the resulting sys is an accurate representation of your MIMO system.
hold on;
If your question is really about the number of states you get, this page might help.
HTH. Arkadiy
  1 commentaire
Mashitah le 8 Mai 2012
help me a lot,
thank you.

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