Does Simulink Real-Time support MATLAB-S Functions?

10 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Jmagic le 10 Déc 2017
The Help Documentation seems to say Simulink Real-Time support C-S Functions. So does Simulink Real-Time support MATLAB-S Functions?

Réponses (2)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 10 Déc 2017
Yes. See for example that talks specifically about writing drivers for Simulink Real-Time using S functions. (Note: the S functions cannot be written in MATLAB.)
  2 commentaires
Paul Stansell
Paul Stansell le 8 Oct 2020
link no longer points to the intended page
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 8 Oct 2020
You are right, Paul.
Hmmm... related:
But it does look as if the direct documentation on this topic might have been removed, with it perhaps being assumed that anything like this would be done in Speedgoat.

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Pablo Romero
Pablo Romero le 26 Avr 2024
If you'd like to know more about how to integrate and deploy S-Functions to a Simulink Real-Time target, or in general, any external C/C++ code, please check out the following documentation page.

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