Need help with plotting accelerometer readings from MPU6050 + Arduino.
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I've written some code in Arduino to collect accelerometer readings from my MPU6050. I now need to plot live readings on a graph on MATLAB but I don't know where to begin. Can anyone point my in the right direction please, im a total newbie with MATLAB.
Thank you in advance!
1 commentaire
le 1 Jan 2021
Hi. I am Nazira. I want to ask may you share the code in Arduino the one that you mention? Because I also now do a project to monitor real time of an earthquake by using MPU6050 with Arduino and Matlab. Do you mind to help me?
Réponses (3)
le 31 Déc 2017
Import tool should be the easiest way to get started. Good luck!
2 commentaires
Mustafa Abu-Mallouh
le 30 Déc 2018
Write a loop that updates a dataset with new data pulled from the sensor every iteration. Then, plot the updated dataset on the same figure within the iteration. See example below:
i = 0; % Initialize counter
max_data_len = 360; % Desired dataset length
% Initialize variable size for speed
Angle = zeros(max_data_len,1);
Accel_X = zeros(max_data_len,1);
while i < max_data_len
i = i+1; % Step iteration
Angle(i) = i; % Use counter variable as angle
Accel_X(i) = sind(i); % Store sine of angle
figure(1) % Ensure plotting on same figure
plot(Angle,Accel_X); grid
xlabel('Angle [degrees]')
ylabel('Sine of Angle')
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Gayatri Menon
le 7 Jan 2022
For Arduino board, you could use mpu6050() to connect MPU6050 sensor
a = arduino;
imu = mpu6050(a);
ylabel('Acceleration (m/s^2)');
title('Acceleration values from mpu6050 sensor');
x_val = animatedline('Color','r');
y_val = animatedline('Color','g');
z_val = animatedline('Color','b');
axis tight;
legend('Acceleration in X-axis','Acceleration in Y-axis','Acceleration in Z-axis');
stop_time = 100;
count = 1;
while(toc <= stop_time)
[accel] = readAcceleration(imu);
count = count + 1;
drawnow limitrate;
Hope this helps
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