Hello, I am trying getting the sensor data from an Android device (phone) at 100hz. The time given by accellog and orientcell are doing step passing example form 0.01sec at 50.09sec ?? Also, if want to get data load by accellog and orientlog I need to wait (more than 60 sec) to read it! Somebody has an idea about that! here is my las code:
clear all; close all; clc; %%
connector on
m = mobiledev; m.Logging = 0; discardlogs(m); m.SampleRate = 'high'; m.AccelerationSensorEnabled = 1; m.OrientationSensorEnabled = 1; m.PositionSensorEnabled = 0; m.MagneticSensorEnabled = 0; m.AngularVelocitySensorEnabled = 0;
i=1; m.Logging = 1; pause(2) discardlogs(m); pause(5)
m.Logging = 0; %% tic pause(40)
[OO, tOO] = orientlog(m); [AA, tAA] = accellog(m);
toc %% [length(tAA) length(tOO)]
subplot(2,1,1); hold on; plot(tOO-tOO(1),'.'); plot(tAA-tAA(1),'.'); subplot(2,1,2); hold on; plot(tOO-tOO(1),OO,'.'); plot(tAA-tAA(1),AA,'.');