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hi.Can cell vector be used as input to the neural network for training?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Hafeez le 9 Fév 2018
Commenté : Hafeez le 13 Fév 2018
I have data from 500 images.each image is arranged into 5*32256 matrix .Then all of the images are put into a single cell as an input.same goes for target .it is also a cell vector with each matrix of dimension 1*32256. both the input and target cell vectors are of dimension 1*500.Is it right???
  2 commentaires
Greg Heath
Greg Heath le 13 Fév 2018
Hmmm. I have never heard of the term
cell vector
Hafeez le 13 Fév 2018
i am sorry for my lack of knowledge. Input and target are variables having data from 500 images.each image is arranged in 5*32256 matix.
for j=1:500

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